Environment Settings - Custom Report Groups


Environment Settings - Custom Report Groups

Configuring Access to Reports with Custom Report Access Groups

The Layer is host to a comprehensive suite of reports. It is important to be able to manage which reports each users can access. We do this by way of "Custom Report Access Groups".

What are Custom Report Access Groups?

A Custom Report Access Group is essentially a list of reports. Each group can be assigned to multiple users. Each user will then have access to the reports within that group.

We recommend creating access groups based on role / function / department. For example, create a group called "Service Team Reports", and assign it to all members of the Service Team.

Where are Custom Report Access Groups Configured?

Users with Settings zone access can access the following to manage report access:

Settings - Customisations - Custom Report Access Groups

This section allows users to manage existing groups and create new groups. Please note, for the sake of conciseness, Custom Report Access Groups may be referred to as "Report Access Groups" or "Access Groups".

Defining the Reports in a Custom Report Access Group

Adding reports to, and removing reports from an access group is as simple as ticking or unticking the box next to each report. You can use your browser's Find function (ctrl-f) to highlight reports based on name e.g. "cases".

Make sure to save your changes.

Assigning a Custom Report Access Group to a User

Users can be assigned a Custom Reports Access Group from their user settings, as below. Remember, users may only be assigned one group each. Keep this in mind when planning your groups.

Accessing Reports

For general information on accessing reports, click here.