Environment Settings - User Targets - Monthly Appointment targets


Environment Settings - User Targets - Monthly Appointment targets

In our knowledgebase article about appointment types in The Layer we discussed how to create different appointment types within the Layer, we will now demonstrate how to apply appointment targets to individual users within the Layer.

Once you have created your appointment types and identified the appointment types that will will be targeted we can then use the data within the Layer to measure a users performance and this can be done via the following:

  • Appointment widgets: Team and individual widgets that will display the appointment data: 
    • My Daily Appointment Bookings
    • My Neglected Appointment Feedback
    • My Recent Appointment Feedbacks
    • Team Appointments vs. Target MTD
    • Team Daily Appointment Bookings
    • Team Neglected Appointment Feedback
    • Team Recent Appointment Feedback
    • User Appointments vs. Target MTD 

  • Appointment work stacks: Team and individual work stacks can be created to manage work load and to ensure feedback is left for all appoinments: 
    • Task Templates: Can be used to create work stacks based on appointments
    • Feedback Template: Can be used to monitor appointment feedback in the Layer

Applying the Sales or Presales Business Unit to a User's Account 

To apply appointment targets against a user you must first ensure the following: 

  1. The the user is active
  2. The user is part of the Sales and/or Presales Business Unit, which can be found within the Memberships tab within a users account:

Applying an Appointment Target to a User's account

Now that you have ensured your user is within the Sales and/or Presales Business Unit you can now apply a monthly target, to apply the targets follow these steps:

1. Select  from the top right hand-side

2. Under Environment Settings select User Targets

3. You will now be taken to the Appointment Targets by User & Month page

4. Enter in the targets appropriate to each user and then press :

You have now set your users monthly appointment targets.