
Gamma - Broadband Technical Support - Typical Router Settings

Typical Router Settings
These are setting required when first setting up a router to work on Gamma Broadband:
VPI: 0
VCI: 38
Encapsulation/Protocol: PPPoATM (RFC2364)
Framing Mode: VC-MUX / Null
WAN IP & Gateway configuration: Negotiate upon connection
Note that it is important for the gateway IP to be automatically negotiated as we will use a range of different gateways determined upon connection.
Modulation Setting
Modern routers will offer an automatic setting for modulation which will detect the type of service provided.
DNS Settings
DNS should be configured to be negotiated upon connection, however, where these are required to be manually configured they are as follows:

Routed IP Configurations
Routed IP ranges are provided in groups of 4 or 8 IP’s. The number after the slash denotes how many IP’s there are in the range in CIDR format.
/29 = 8 IPs (6 usable) – Subnet:
/30 = 4 IPs (2 usable) – Subnet:
The first IP in the range is reserved for broadcast and the last is the network, these are not usable IP’s.

One of the usable IP’s must be allocated to the LAN interface of the router with the appropriate subnet listed above. For all other devices within the LAN, they will need to be allocated the remaining usable IP’s and have the LAN IP of the router set as the gateway.
Please note that for routed IP configurations, Network Address Translation (NAT) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) must be disabled for the routing to work correctly. Gamma-provided routers

Gamma will supply customer routers as a chargeable option.
Technicolor TG 588 - Wireless-N router 
Hardware is dispatched preconfigured with the required DSL username, passwords, settings and any IP addressing ordered. No other customer configuration is performed beyond the aforementioned settings and it is the partner’s or end-users responsibility to manage any LAN-side or additional settings that are required.
It is the partner's responsibility to track these additional settings which would be needed in the event that a router fails and is replaced. The partner will be made aware of the access credentials to the routers’ management programme once they start selling Gamma NextGen Broadband.
Partners remain responsible at all times for the first line support of hardware – we therefore strongly recommend that partners are familiar with the routers that they order.
Router Admin Access
For all Gamma-provided routers you can access the management program using these credentials:
Username - Administrator
Password - XXXXXXXX-Admin
(XXXXX = CLI of the subscribers phone line)
Router Default Gateway Address -

Author: Andy Liew