The address tab within the Lead and customer record is where you will find all address information that is available for a record. Within this tab different address types can be stored and the following information is needed:
- Default: A default address can be identified and set here
- Type: The type of address i.e. Billing, Default, Installation, Invoice, Mailing, Registered, Shipping & Trading
- Address Name: The name of the address
- Street 1-3: The streets relevant to the address
- City: The applicable city
- County: The applicable county
- Postcode: The applicable postcode
It is important that address information is correctly stored as this will affect actions that are carried out in the Layer, addresses are used in sales order to ensure that products such as handsets are shipped to the correct address, to ensure invoices are addressed correctly. In addition to this address information can be filtered within work stacks so it is vital that all of this information is correctly stored.
To add a new address press the button and then enter your address details, pressing
to save your changes.
Editing an address
To edit an address simply press the pencil icon and then press
to save your changes.
Deleting an address
To delete an address simply locate your address and press