Case Enhancements


Case Enhancements

We've made a number of improvements to Cases, such as:

  • the ability to define case "Request Types"
  • the ability to assign a case to a team
  • first response metrics and indicators

Setting up Case Request Types

Request types can be used to conform to ITIL standards or to allow service users to select a dropdown option within cases to use against supplier name, for instance.

In the case categories area of the settings zone, you’ll find the option for ‘All Request Types’.

Add your custom types in the view below

Mappings in Case Sub-Category

It’s now possible to set & map the following items in case sub-categories

  1. Resolution SLA
  2. Response SLA hours (new)
  3. Team (sub-category) (new)
  4. Priority (new)
  5. Request Type (new)
  6. Internal only (won’t appear on customer grid Case Export – External or the customer portal)
  7. Disabled  (removes this sub-category from the selection in cases)

Case Creation - Request Types

Once the sub-category is selected in the case view below, the request type and team will pre-populate. The owners available for selection will be those assigned to the relevant team.


It's now possible to assign cases to teams. Teams are created and managed from Settings, for users with access. You can assign a whole team to a case, instead of an individual owner.

Case View

You can see the new fields below.

First Response

You’ll see a red X icon in the event that there has been no response to the case. When the case is responded to, this will change to a green tick.

Response within SLA

If the first response is made within the Response SLA, this will remain green, otherwise it will change to a red icon.

Case Grid View - New Information

New Permissions

You can permit only certain users to:

  • mark a case as unassigned
  • change the priority of a case
  • change the request type
  • change the team in settings

Using Data Manager to Update Existing Case Categories

You can update your existing case categories with these new fields. 

Make sure the Unique ID in data manager is mapped to the Unique ID in the spreadsheet.

You can verify imports in Settings - Case Categories.