Customer Actions - Understanding Customer Relationships


Customer Actions - Understanding Customer Relationships

It is possible within the Layer to create customer relationships within customer records and there are two types of relationships that can be define which are:  

  • Hierarchical Relationship: This is where a parent and child relationship can be created e.g. a head office and a branch 
  • Loosely Linked Relationship: Within this option we have 3 relationship types to denote loose relationships such as: 
    • Other: To denote any other relationship types
    • Investor: To denote any investor relationships  
    • Subsidiary: To denote that a record is a subsidiary of another company  

To add a relationship follow these simple steps: 


2. Press

3. Select either Hierarchical Relationship or Loosely Linked Relationship

  • If selecting Hierarchical enter a parent and child customer record 
  • If selecting a Loosely Linked Relationship enter in the Linked Customer record and then select a relationship type i.e. Other, Investor or Subsidiary 

4. Once created press  .

TIP: Multiple Loosely Linked Relationships can be created.

Once you have created any relationships within the record a link will be provided within the Customer Relationships screen to follow through to these records.  In our example we can see that Training Company has a hierarchical relationship with the Training Company record and in addition to this is a subsidiary of Test Company: 

To remove any relationships simply press the Remove button.