How to attach a file to Knowledgebase article
Step One
Create your article first. Please see our KB article on how to create a new KB Article:
Step Two
Click on "Files" on the very top of the page to upload the file you would like to use for this article (you can upload the files while editing the article, no need to close the article down), then "Select File" on the bottom of the page and insert the file. Your uploaded file should appear on the top of the list.
Step Three
Click on the hyperlink symbol and copy the link provided in the new window. Close both windows down.
Step Four
In the body of the article highlight the word you want to create the hyperlink to i.e EE 3rd Party Form. From the task bar select the hyperlink symbol and copy the link to the file into the "Web Address" field. You can also edit the name of the link using the"Text" field at this stage and then click insert.
You should now be presented with a link similar to below:
You can add as many links and documents as you wish, once you are happy with the article click "Publish Article"
Note: We would recommend that you add relevant tags to each article for easy search. See how to add new KB tags in our KB article:
How to Create Knowledgebase Tags
Please make sure you only tick ‘This article can be accessed publically’ if you are happy with your customers being able to view the contents of the article and attachments as well.