How to approve funding requests


How to approve funding requests

User settings

1.Before starting please ensure that you, or the people managing the funding requests (known as funding administrators) have the following permissions which can be found in Settings -> Users -> Username -> Roles:

  • Ability to both search and edit leads and customers
  • Funding Administrator permissions

If you're confident that the permissions are in place, jump straight to point 5

2.In the next step, select the department who will be approving the requests. At this stage whilst in the user settings, check that the selected user is part of the ‘business unit’ that will receive the requests i.e. finance. 

3.Select the department which requests are sent to for approval such as finance.  To access this page, select: Settings -> Company -> Settings -> Defaults. The business unit which you need to map is Business Unit for Commission Request. This should have already been set by your account manager during the configuration set up.

Approving requests within the quote

4. Funding administrators will receive an email similar to below to notify them of any commission/funding requests that have been submitted. Select the link in the email or search for the quote ref or company name in The Layer.

5. Once you've opened the quote window, select the funding option on the right-hand side of the screen- if there is a funding request pending it will show as an orange circle indicating that it still requires approval. After clicking on funding, the request can be edited via the pen icon.

6.To approve or reject the additional funding select the relevant status: Approved – visible or Rejected. Add approval reasons, save changes by ticking the icon on the right

An orange notification will show for the following statuses:
o Awaiting response
o Dispute
o In progress
o Overpaid
o Paid
o Part paid
o Rejected
o Supplier requires proof
o Unpaid
A green notification will show for approved visible.
No notification will show for approved not visible 

7.The approved funding will now show in the quote builder and the profit will reflect the new funding. The user will be notified of the status update. 

8. The reports button can be found at the bottom of the screen. Once clicked it will go to the reports page that will allow users to run a ‘funding requests’ report to monitor any outstanding approvals, or to ensure that claims have been made to a supplier for additional funding. 

Approving requests within the sales order

9.The funding status can be updated/amended within the sales order.  The funding will be pulled across to the sales order regardless of it’s status

The funding can be edited in the request manager(the same window as seen in as the quote builder) To approve funding simply update the funding request to approved- visible or reject

10. The same notification symbols will appear based on the funding status. Below the green shows approved. The deal profit and finance report will update.