How to cancel a previously won quotation based on a customer cancelling the order


How to cancel a previously won quotation based on a customer cancelling the order

How to cancel a previously won quotation based on a customer cancelling the order.

In this article we will take you through how to cancel a quotation and an order

By following these recommended steps for cancellation this will ensure your records are maintained with your cancelled orders and quotations,

but, it will also update your leader board on your widgets.

N.B. You will need to have the relevant authorisation levels to make these amendments, if you don’t have the correct access please contact your Layer administrator.

Step 1:  Locate the quotation

There are a couple of ways in which you will be able to action this.


If you know the quote number, enter it into the global search bar and select enter (pictured below)


You can view all won quotations by using (or creating) an ‘All Won Quotations’ stack

If you are unsure how to promote a work stack please see our knowledge base article titled:

How do I promote custom work stacks to my home screen or landing?

If you don’t know how to create a work stack please contact your Layer system administrator.


If it is a recent quotation you can access this via the ‘signed e-quotes’ widget

To access the quote simply click on the quote reference in this case QUO-1438-BT. 

This will direct you to the quotation for you to make your amendments.


Finally if you do not have the quote number you can search for this by company, firstly rather than entering the quotation reference as above if you enter the company name and press enter,

you will then be presented with a screen detailing all your clients with that name. 

This will open the company’s full details for you. You can then open all quotes for this client by clicking on the quotes tab as shown below.

You will now be directed to all quotes generated for this client.  The quotes are stored in reverse chronological order.  In this instance, we are looking at the most recent quote. 

Select the quote reference in order to access the quote details with a view to making amendments.

Step 2: Remove signature


Why would you want to remove a signature?

If you wish to cancel a quotation which has been signed you will firstly need to remove the signature.

How to remove a signature

N.B. The ability to remove signatures from a quotation is permissions based.  If you don’t have this permission and think you should please contact your company administrator.

In order for you to be able to make any amendments or cancellation to a quote which has been won you firstly need to remove the signature from the won quote,

to be able to complete this you will need to click on the name at the bottom right of the quote as shown below.

You will then be presented with a popup box titled ‘quotation signature’ in order to make the amendments you will need to select delete.

N.B Should you want to see a copy of the signed agreement you are able to open this by selecting signed here also

Step 3: Cancelling the quote

You’ll then be prompted to change the quote status.  You will be presented with a dropdown box providing four options:

  • Cancelled
  • Lost
  • Quoted
  • Open

If you wish to cancel the quote, simply select ‘cancelled’, as we have done below.  Once saved, you will see a black popup box at the top right of your screen which will indicate that the signature has been removed.  

You will then be presented with another pop up box which will ask you if you wish to ‘save & continue’ or ‘Cancel’ please select ‘save & continue’.

A prompt at the top right of the screen will appear to confirm your changes have been saved.  Select close at the bottom right of the screen.

A final popup will appear asking if you wish to update the value of this opportunity, please select ‘ok’.

You will then be redirected to the quotations list on the clients account.  Your quotation status will be ‘cancelled’.

By completing this action it will remove the quotation from the leader board as indicated below

Step 4: Identifying the order number 

If you return to the quote list you will see your cancelled quote, you will also be able to identify the order number as indicated below.

To select the order click on the order number as highlighted above, this will direct you to the order details.

Step 5: Cancelling an Order 

To be able to cancel the order you will need to firstly select the tab ‘header’ as indicated below.

In this section you will be able to see the order status, when you select the drop down arrow at the right side of the ‘status’ box you will be given a number of options:

  • Created - Approved
  • Created - Pending Approval
  • Awaiting Credit Check
  • Credit Declined
  • Connection
  • Invoice
  • Dispatched
  • Part Dispatched
  • Cancelled
  • Complete
  • Back-Order Awaiting
  • Stock
  • Return to Sales

In this case we will be selecting cancel which will cancel the order.

You will then need to select save at the bottom left of the screen as highlighted above.

You will again be presented with the black popup box at the top right which will confirm your action.

If you now return to the order tab within the client’s records you will see the status of the order has now changed to ‘Cancelled’