
How to cancel a quotation and sales order

How to cancel a quotation and sales order

In this article we will take you through how to cancel a quotation and sales order. 

N.B. This is a permissioned based role, if you do not have access to cancelling orders and quotes please contact your local Layer administrator.

Firstly you will need to establish if there has been any stock sent out to the customer.  In our example we will make the assumption this is the case. 

If you wish to cancel the order prior to any stock being dispatched please go to step 3 and complete the next steps from there.

Step 1 – Accessing and checking your order

Your customer may not be aware of which order number is associated with their order, if this is the case you will need to search the orders on the customer account.

From here you can access the sales order by clicking on the order reference

Once you have entered the order you are able to see the products have been shipped to the customer.