How to export and import assets in the customer's record.
In this article we will take you through a step by step guide on how to export your customer’s assets and also how to import them.
Step 1 - Accessing your Customers assets
Firstly, search for the customer record, for our example we have selected ‘Star Sapphire’, you will then need to select the assets tab as indicated below.
Step 2 - Exporting your Customers Assets
To export your customers assets simply select the export tab as indicated below.
In our example we have selected the mobile tariffs if you wanted to select. Please make sure you select the correct tab in the assets depending on which assets you wish to update (mobile, fixed line etc).
You will then be presented with your customers assets on an excel sheet as detailed below.
If your customer hasn’t currently got any services listed your excel sheet will populate with the headings but no data.
If you do have customer assets registered I would recommend saving a copy of the worksheet to ensure you don’t lose any data.
Step 3 - Adding additional services to the customer's assets and creating new assets.
To add new services simply enter the required details all along the tabs in the excel sheet. If you are looking to either add additional services or remove others please complete the following,
To delete an assets simply highlight the row you wish to delete and mark this for deletion.
This will remove the data for this asset from your excel sheet, thus removing the asset when re-imported.
To add additional services simply complete the columns as you would for a new service, an example is detailed below.
I would recommend saving this worksheet also as a precaution.
Step 4 - Remove existing assets
You will need to remove from The Layer the existing assets, this is the reason we have recommend saving a copy of the existing and new excel sheets.
Select ‘Delete All’ as indicated below
This will delete all the assets in the tab you are in at the time of selection in our example it was tariffs, this will delete ONLY these assets.
Step 5 - Importing New / Updated Assets
Select actions from the top of the screen to the right, indicated below
You will now be presented with a list of options, as we would like to import the new tariffs we are going to select ‘Import Service Assets’
You will then be presented with the following screen
Please return to your excel sheet which you have made the changes to and copy all the data excluding the header line as indicated below.
Now paste this in to the import box on The Layer shown below
Now select which service asset type you would like to import as we have exported the Mobil tariffs we will be importing the service assets to the ‘Mobile’ section
By doing so this will auto populate the correct mapping functions within The Layer.
Select save at the bottom of the screen.
You will now be presented with the details you have imported and also see the confirmation box at the top left of the screen