How to set up quote authorisation on The Layer
In this article we will take you thought a step by step guide on what you will need to have set up on the account prior to activating the quote authorisation request, we will also provide you with the required steps to active the quote authorisation on The Layer also.
Step 1: Set up the authorisers
Firstly you need to confirm with the client who will be authorising the quotation. Once this has been agreed log in to their instance of the layer.
How to activate the Quote Authoriser Role
Select settings at the top of the screen
Select User Accounts
Select the user who will be the authoriser, in this example we have selected Geri Nethill
Select Roles
Scroll down to the section named ‘Roles By General Access’, ensure the following two boxes are ticked:
- Quotation Authoriser
- Quotation Authorise Override (if the person authorising the quotations also generates them this function will allow them to bypass the authorisation restriction, if you do not generate quotes you do not need to select this box)
Select save at the bottom left of the screen as indicated below
If you wish to have multiple users who are able to authorise the quotes please complete the steps above for each individual user.
Step 2: Notification emails
NB. You will need to have your notification emails created and mapped prior to activating the quote authorisation function as if this has not been completed then no one will be notified of the authorisation request, which could have a detrimental impact to your clients.
Email templates
You will need to check if you already have the mail templates created to do so please selected settings at the top right of your screen
Please select mail templates
You will need to check if the following email templates have been created:
- Quotation Approval Request
- Quotation Approval Granted
- Quotation Approval Declined
If you are unable to locate these within your email templates you will need to create them, please find our article below to support this or alternatively please contact your Layer administrator.
Step 3: Mapping your email templates
You will now need to map your templates to ensure all the correct notifications are sent out for the request.
Map the templates
Select settings at the top right of your screen
Scroll down to select Quotations Authorisation email templates
Now select the appropriate email template for each default from the template list
Once you have selected all three select save to the left under your selections
Step 4: Activating the quote authoriser function
Once you have completed the three steps above you are now in a position to activate the quote authorisation function.
Activating the function
Select settings at the top right of your screen
Select Company Settings
Select the Quotation & Sales Tab
Scroll down and select the tick box labelled ‘Quotation Authorisation’
Select save at the bottom
You have now activated the quote authoriser function.