How to view the Sales Order Finance Report in the Layer


How to view the Sales Order Finance Report in the Layer

In the Layer it is possible to generate a Sales Order Finance Report. 

This report is based on an individual sales order and will break down the finance for that particular order similar to the Quotation Finance Report.

The benefit of this report means that if your sales order changes from your original quotation for any reason you will be able to ensure that the sales order is still profitable to your company. 

To view these reports users must have the below permission enabled in their user account: 

Sales Order and Quotation Finance Report:     Users in this role are able to download a sales order/quotation finance report from the sales order/quotation

If you require this permission please speak to your system administrator. 

Accessing the Sales Order Finance Report

To generate a Sales Order Finance Report follow these simple steps:

1. Log into the Layer

2. Open the customer that the sales order belongs to

3. From the Orders tab locate your sales order and open the order

4. From the Sales Order Manager page select SALES ORDER FINANCE REPORT from the PROFIT drop down menu:

5. You will note that the report will now download to your computer, simply download in the usual manner.

6. Open the report, users will note that the following information is shown:

  • Order Details:
    • Company Name, Order Reference, Salesperson, Lead Generator, Sales Order status, Order Term, Supplier(s) and when the order was created.
  • Services: Any services that have been added to the sales order as well as their financial information
  • Products: Any products that have been added to the sales order as well as their financial information
  • Additional Funding Requests: Any funding requests that have been created for this order will be outlined here
  • Profit Sources (Pre Discount): Any profits before discounts will be displayed here
  • Discounts & Subsidies: Any discounts that have been applied will be displayed here
  • Financial Summary: The overall financial summer of the order will be shown here including the Invoice Amount and Deal Profit.

You Sales Order Finance Report will look similar to the below: