New permission to override finalised Purchase Orders


New permission to override finalised Purchase Orders

New permission to override finalised Purchase Orders

Finalised PO = PO in status 'On Order'

In order to restrict editing of purchase orders once they have been placed on order with the supplier, there is a permission to prevent all users with access to purchase orders being able to amend them.  Only users with this permission will be able to make changes to finalised (on order) Purchase Orders.

If you require this permission or would like to enable it for a user, please select the 'Override Finalised Purchase Order' permission.

Warning messages when amending finalised PO

If a user without the override permission tries to make changes to the finalised PO they will get one of the following messages:

Users will be prevented from completing the following actions:

- removing an item from the finalised PO

- adding an item to finalised PO

- changing supplier

- changing warehouse

- shipping cost

- delivery address etc.

Users creating a purchase order should check all information before finalising it and if an amendment is required after placing the purchase order on-order, a user with the necessary permission can edit the purchase order on their behalf.