Purchase Order: How to add a PO into query


Purchase Order: How to add a PO into query

In the event that your supplier invoice doesn't match your agreed purchase order pricing, it's now possible to mark a purchase order as in query. This is to ensure that all POs which require an investigation or follow up are highlighted. For example, if you have a DD set up for your supplier, they may have taken payment and whilst the PO has now been settled, the payment taken is incorrect.  This would result in a PO being paid, however also queried. 

Once you receive the supplier invoice, cross check the costs using the PO reference. If the totals don't match as a result of incorrect supplier pricing or delivery charges, you can then mark the PO as in query from the PO itself or from the PO stacks.

Add the PO into query from the PO itself

In your purchase order header simply tick the query status:

and click   

Mark the PO as in query in bulk from the PO stacks

From your work stack select POs that require amendment, click on 'Update Query Status' and confirm your selection:

Confirm the selection by clicking on 'Yes', you will then be presented by the following window

Select 'In Query' Status and click Ok, you will now see an update message advising you that the change has been made.

You can create a workstack for all POs in query to manage these.

In the stock module, select purchase order template, you will be presented by the new purchase order template window:

Specify the name of the purchase order stack and the rest of the relevant details, then select 'In Query' status:

And click .

All POs that are in query will be detailed in this stack. Once the query has been resolved, change the status to 'Not in query' which in turn will remove the query flag:

You'll note the updated quantity of POs in the stack summary details: