Sage 200 Integration - Syncing Payments / Receipts from Sage to The Layer


Sage 200 Integration - Syncing Payments / Receipts from Sage to The Layer

Syncing Payments / Receipts from Sage

Settings – Sage – Sage Transactions

When a receipt is made in Sage against a customer invoice, we need to reconcile with the invoice in The Layer.

Note: In The Layer we use the term “payment” instead of receipt – this is the term we will use in this article.

Use the Sage Payments tab to match payments received from Sage against invoices in The Layer.

If you have multiple Sage Companies linked, you must select the one you want to view payments for in the “Sage Company” drop-down. If you want to look at older payments (older than the most recent 500), you can change the “Range” selection.

Here you can see the details of the invoice that corresponds to the payment. If the payment is made to multiple invoices, you will see them all here. You can choose to sync individual invoice lines if you wish.

Upon sync attempt, you will either receive a confirmation or a warning that sync has failed.

Please note that The Layer will display receipts that were made in Sage without a corresponding allocation. However, you will not be able to sync these to an invoice.