Sage 200 Integration - Tokens


Sage 200 Integration - Tokens

Sage Tokens

A valid Sage token is required for an instance of The Layer when using Sage integration in The Layer. Tokens are valid for a set amount of time, and this depends on your own configuration. Remaining time on your company’s token can be seen in the Sage part of Settings, in the widget on the left side.

Renewing your Token

Click “Login Now” in the widget to open a sign-in window to SageID. Submit your details, check the message, and click “Grant”.

Token Renewal Reminders

The Layer can remind by email you when your token is approaching expiry. Your configuration will determine when this is sent. This number represents days. The below setting would trigger an email reminder 28 days before expiry. Reminders will be sent daily until the token is renewed.

Notification Recipients

Any user with the following setting enabled will receive the notification email.