Sales & Quotations: How to add a lease item to your quotation


Sales & Quotations: How to add a lease item to your quotation

On occasion your clients may require the ability to lease equipment rather than outright purchase equipment due to costs.

In instances whereby this happens it is recommended that the following is carried out:

  1.  An opportunity for the lease is created. If your instance has lease as an opportunity type then select this if not select the appropriate type e.g. mobile, hosted etc.
  2.  Work your lease costs out based on what the client requires. This could be done via your lease company.
  3.  A bespoke quotation should then be created in the Layer for the Lease and this can be managed via custom services & products.

Adding your Lease Products

Whilst the items are being leased and may not bring a profit to your company it is still important that they are added to the quotation to provide a signature from the client as well as an audit trail for all products and to ensure these can be provisioned correctly.

1. Add your products that are being leased to the quotation in the same way you would any other product

2. We must now fully discount these items to zero to remove the upfront costs involved.

3. Apply a discount to the item by selecting the product name from the quotation e.g. EE LB Sony Xperia X

The Edit Quotation Item window will now populate and you must amend the following:

1.Amend Quantity if appropriate

2. Notes: Add a note to show this is a leased item

3. Make the note visible to the customer this will ensure it is displayed on the quotation.

4. Discount the item to 0 by pressing the Max button.

Note - If there are any upfront costs then ensure this portion isn't discounted. E.g. if £50 was to be paid upfront then the discount would only be £324.00

The product profit will then be updated within the quotation builder, in our example you can see that is now £0.00 as we discounted the full cost of the product.

Adding the lease as a service

 Once your products have been added we must now add the lease as a monthly service. This will ensure the customer is aware of what their monthly lease cost will be as a result of leasing the hardware. 

  1. The lease will be added as a monthly service however as these costs are passed onto the leasing company these will be billed by the leasing company. 
  2. Ensure any costs are added to the quotation in addition to the lease e.g. 
    a. Installation
    b. Training Costs 
    c. Maintenance – This may be a monthly service charge
  3. As the lease will be a non-standard monthly service charge we will create a custom service for the lease. . 
                    a. Select the custom button from the quote builder:

4. Select Service:

5. From the window that populates we must now populate the following info: 

Product NameEnter an appropriate name for your service. 
Recommend that the goods, monthly value and term is added to the title. 
DescriptionDescription if applicable 
CategorySelect Lease
SupplierSelect Lease Supplier
Core ServiceN/A – Marking as core will show this within the monthly connections. 
Add Product to Company Inventory We recommend that you add it should any amendments be required in future. 

We must now populate the Pricing tab with the following info:

Tax Rate20% 
Internal SKUIf there is an internal SKU for leases enter this
Sell Price£0 
Buy Price£0 
Recurring Charge (Sell)Enter the Customers monthly lease charge
Recurring Charge (Buy)Enter the Customers monthly lease charge
Commission£ Capital Value – Enter the amount your company receives from the leasing company. 
OGR Term0
TermLease Term e.g. 12, 24, 36, 60 etc. 
Third Party BilledN/A 
Sage Nominal Code (Purchase) & (Sales)Enter a nominal code if appropriate

In our example we created a simply lease of £374 spread over 12 months which equates to a monthly lease of £31.16. 

The quotation profits will now update accordingly, we can see in ours that the total recurring for the quotation now reflects the monthly lease costs:

6. A copy of the lease document must also be saved in the opportunity / sales order files. This will ensure the leasing document is available for any future audits. 

If applicable the rest of the quotation should now be built e.g. any other services that are required via the network should be added to ensure that this quotation is profitable to your company. 

In our example we have added a tariff for minutes and texts at £40 per month which has resulted in an overall profit of £238 for our quotation: 

Our quotation to the customer now outlines their monthly costs: