Specifications for customer provided CRM data


Specifications for customer provided CRM data

The Layer offers import utility to help you get started on the platform and can offer custom imports when data is non-standard.

Files provided in CSV format (available upon request) with fields matching those on the import screens within The Layer are the preferred format for importing, however we appreciate that sometimes this isn't possible and offer a consultancy service to assist with non-standard imports.

Importing via The Layer Web App

Many types can be imported directly from The Layer web app, including products & services (inventory), leads (incl. addresses, contacts and expiries), customers and service assets.  Template files are available on request.

Managed Importing Service

The Layer also offers a managed import service, where we provide consultancy on the best way to prepare and import data.  This work is usually carried out by one of our data team via internal staging utility.  A disclaimer, available from support@layersystems.com, must be signed and returned to us before any custom import work is completed.

Manual import types

  • Notes - We can import notes if supplied in an Excel spreadsheet with a timestamp, user and company name
  • Assets (Products) - We can import products if there is a linking field (e.g. IMEI) within the service assets file
  • Users – We can auto provision users