Suggested Loan Device Process on the Layer


Suggested Loan Device Process on the Layer

Loan Phone Process in the Layer

Step 1:-

We would recommend that you create a base category for loan phones, this is to ensure that the sales people don’t sell these devices by mistake.  
N.B. This is permissions based if you do not have access to the settings area please contact your layer administrator.

Step 2:-

Create a loan phone price book and import this into the Layer.
N.B. This is also permissions based if you don’t have the relevant access to the settings area please contact your Layer administrator.

Step 3:-

Create a Loan Phone warehouse for these items this will ensure that all the items are kept separate.
N.B. This is also permissions based if you don’t have the relevant access to the settings area please contact your Layer administrator.

Step 4:-

If the items are not currently in stock you will be able to book these in via our bulk import. Click here for our knowledge base article on how to book the stock in in bulk.
If your items are already in stock you can move these to the correct ware house by following these steps.

  • Identify if the items to be moved from your current stock stack.
  • Click on the individual edit icon on the far left of the item in the stock stack
  • In this area you can change the condition of the devise and also the warehouse from the drop down.

Step 5:-

To allocate the stock to an order you can do so after you create an order for the loan items.

Step 6:-

Convert the sales order as normal and this will add the loan device into the customers list of assets.

Returning a Loan Phone

When the customer is returning the device you will need to follow these steps to ensure the item is booked back in to stock.

Step 1:-

Identify the sales order which the assets is associated to, by clicking on the asset.

You will then see the associated sales order reference, please take a note of this as you will need this later in the process.

Step 2:-

Delete the asset from the customer record by clicking on the X to the far right of the asset.

Step 3:-

Access the sales order.

Step 4:-

Select deliveries

Step 5:-

Select relevant delivery session

Step 6:-

Locate the item you wish to book back in and mark this as returned.

Step 7:-

Once the item has been returned please access the stock tab and Returns.

Step 8:-

Identify the correct item and mark this as received

This will book the item back into stock, I would also recommend that you check this is in the correct warehouse on completion and if not you can move this by following the steps detailed above.

How to see where your loan devices are

You can create specific work stacks which will show you all loan devices which are currently booked out with customers and also what stock you currently have available for loan.