Understanding Quotations: What are price book categories


Understanding Quotations: What are price book categories

Product categories are created when you upload any price book items to the Layer and are used to categorise the items that are available for sale within your instance of the Layer.

Where do categories appear in the Layer?

Once your price book has been uploaded in the Layer they will then be visible in the following sections:

  • Product Categories
  • Quote Builder
  • Sales Orders
  • Custom Reports

Creating Categories from your Price book

Categories are created in your price book and will be auto-created by the Layer when uploading your price book if they don't already exist.

Product Categories

Product categories can be found within the Settings menu under Inventory Settings / Product Categories and will be created once you have uploaded an item to your price books.

N.B. The image above is a gif, if image does not move please try viewing in another browser. 

Categories in the Quote Builder

Once your categories have been created they will then appear alongside the associated items in the quote builder. Using categories here will help sales users narrow down the type/category of service or product that they are looking for to review all options available within that category:

Categories in the Sales Order

Categories can be found within your sales order and will determine the sales order checklist steps that are triggered for that sales order. The category can be found under Extra Information in the sales order items tab grid:

Reporting on Categories

Various reports in the Layer include category and will allow users to report on popular categories to carry out some trend analysis. Reports include:

  • All Won Quotations
  • All Sales Orders