Within the Layer it is possible to view an Audit trail of actions that have been carried out in the Layer by users
Prerequisites: To access the audit trail a user must be either be a CRM administrator or have access to settings.
To view the audit trail follow these steps:
1. Log into the Layer
2. Select from the top right hand-side of the screen
3. Under Statistics & Logs on the left-hand side of the settings screen select Audit Trail
4. You will then be directed towards the Audit Trail History page and the following information will be displayed:
- Date: The date of the action was created
- Username: The user within the Layer who carried out the action
- Type: The type of action that was carried out
- Record name: The name of any record that was accessed if applicable, in the case of accessing custom records the name of your company should appear
- Action: The action that was carried out e.g. requested export of 'My Open Cases' (Case Stack)
N.B. The various different action types have been outlined below in the next section of this article.
In the example below we can see that at 17:46 on the 8th of April 2016 user Jenny Lind exported all cases that were within her case work stack titled 'My Open Cases'
Different Action Types
As discussed there are various different action types in the Audit trail and we will now outline all of these, remember the action is always followed by the date, user, type, Record Name and then action:
- Added a cost centre: If a cost centre has been added to a record then the action will show this with the name of the cost centre that has been created in brackets e.g. added a cost centre (Accounts Dept.)
- Added a site: If a site has been added to a record then the action will show as added a site with the name of the site in brackets e.g. added a site (Glasgow Office)
- Added a user: If a user has been added to a record then the action will show as added a user with the name of the user in brackets e.g. added a user (Andy Davids)
- Scheduled an appointment: If a user schedules an appointment then this will be displayed alongside the user it was scheduled for and the date e.g. scheduled an appointment for Barry Land on 03/02/2016
- Submitted Feedback: If a user submits feedback for an appointment then this will be displayed with the title of the appointment e.g. submitted feedback for Appointment with Alexander MacDonald at Training Company (01412256759) - JA
- Archived customer products: If a user archives any customer products then this will be displayed as action e.g. archived customer products
- Changed Owner: If a record owner is changed then the action will show who the owner was changed from and to e.g. changed the owner from geri.nethill to charlie.cross
- Changed the value of a custom field: If a custom field is amended then the action will show as changed the value of followed by the name of the custom field e.g. changed the value of Account Number
- Changed the value of core fields: if a core field against customer or lead record is amended the action will show the previous entry and change to e.g. changed Sage Account Number from x to y.
- Closed case: When a case has been closed then it will show the closed case along with the title of the case and the closure status e.g. closed case 'Broken iPhone' for Training Company as Completed
- Created a contact: If a contact has been created then this will be displayed with the name of the contact in brackets e.g. created a contact (Amy Scott)
- Created a customer expiry: If an expiry has been created in the customer record then this will be displayed as created and the expiry reference e.g. created a customer expiry (1000 Minutes)
- Created a product: If a product is added to a customer record then this will be displayed as created with the name of the product in brackets e.g. created a product (0845 Gold Number)
- Created a service: If a service is added to a customer record then this will be displayed e.g. created a service (10,000 UK SMS Business Sharer Bolt-on - EUG)
- Created an expiry (lead): If a lead expiry is added then this will be displayed e.g. created an expiry (1 x 5000 sharer tariff) - Please note this is for lead records
Customer Portal:
- Logged into the customer portal: If a customer logs into the customer portal then their name, company and IP address will displayed e.g. Andrea MacLean from Star Sapphire logged into the customer portal from
- Deleted a case: To show that a user deleted a case from the record
- Deleted a contact: To show that a user deleted a contact from the record
- Deleted a cost centre: To show that a user deleted a cost centre from a record
- Deleted a customer quotation: To show that a user deleted a quotation from a customer record
- Deleted a customer sales order: To show that a user deleted a sales order from a customer record
- Deleted a product: To show that a user deleted a a product from a customer record
- Deleted a service: To show that a user deleted a service from a customer record
- Deleted a user: To show that a user deleted a user from a customer record
- Deleted an address: To show that a user deleted a an address
- Deleted an expiry date: To show that a user deleted an expiry date
Deletion Attempts: Should users attempt to delete any files then this will also be logged.
- Attempting to delete a file: If a user tries to delete a file then this will be shown with the name of the file e.g. is attempting to delete a file: quo-1044-bt_3766e017-baa6-4d56-98bb-e1eaac8f73c4.pdf
- Edited a contact: To show that a user edited a contact
- Edited a cost centre: To show that a user edited a cost centre
- Edited a customer expiry: To show that a user edited a customer expiry
- Edited a product: To show that a user edited a customer product
- Edited a site: To show that a user edited a customer site
- Edited a user: To show that a user edited a customer user
- Edited an address: To show that a user edited an address
- Edited an expiry: To show that a user edited an expiry
- Edited the core details: To show that a user edited core details within a record
- Customers Merged: If a customer record has been merged then it will show the company names that have been merged e.g. Merge Training Company 1 has been merged into Training Company
- Customers Merged & Deleted: If a customer is merged with another customer then the action will show that the record have been merged e.g. merge Training Company 1 has been merged into Training Company and deleted
- Leads Merged & Deleted: If a lead record is merged with another record then the action will show that the records have been merged e.g. ACME Lead 116 has been merged into ACME Lead 1 and deleted
- Opened this customer: Should a customer record be opened by a user then this will be shown alongside the user name e.g. opened this customer
- Opened this lead: Should a lead record be opened by a user then this will be shown alongside the username e.g. opened this lead
Quotation Actions:
- Updated a quotation: If a user updates a quotation then this will be displayed with the quotation reference, company name and the status update e.g. just updated quotation QUO-1157-BT_15 for Training Company from Open to Won
- Moved a quotation: Should a user manually change the status of a quotation then this will be displayed with the quotation reference, company name and status change e.g. moved quotation QUO-2176-BT for Training Company. from Quoted to Won
- Sent quotation: When a user sends any quotations then this is also logged with the quotation reference, company name and contact it was sent to e.g. sent quotation QUO-1208-BT for Training to support@layersystems.com
- Won an opportunity: If a quotation is won then the opportunity is also marked as won provided your instance of the Layer has "Update opportunity on Won Quotation" switched on and will show as the opportunity name and value e.g. won an opportunity '1 Voice Connections' worth £7,679.95
Received Ratings:
- Received a rating: Should a case rating be received then this will be displayed with the rating received and the case title e.g. received a 5 star rating for case 'International bolt-on required'
- Requested access to an encrypted asset: If a user requests access to an encrypted field then this will be showed with the field they requested access to e.g. has requested access to an encrypted field (Bank Account No)
- Request Refused: If a users request to an encrypted field is refused then it will be logged e.g. has requested access to an encrypted field (Bank Account No) and was refused
- Requested a custom report: Should a user access a custom report from the Layer then this will be displayed alongside the name of the custom report e.g. requested custom report 'All Cases'
- Requested export: If a user exports anything from the Layer then this will be shown alongside what was exported e.g. requested export of 'All Assets ' (Assets (Service) Stack)
- Searched: If a user searches for anything then their search will be logged e.g. searched 07887456985
Task Notifications
- Was a sent a notification: When a user is sent a notification for a call task this is also displayed e.g. was sent a notification from Kelvin Dale regarding phone call task (Call 03333222000)
Updated Company Settings
Should your company settings be updated then this will also be displayed as will show the user who amended the settings e.g. updated the Company Settings